A Closer Look at Tangled: A Disney Classic

Tangled is a 2010 American animated musical fantasy-comedy film produced by Walt Disney Animation Studios. The movie tells the story of Rapunzel, a young princess with long golden hair who is locked in a tower by Mother Gothel, a woman who claims to be her mother. The film follows Rapunzel’s journey as she discovers her true identity and falls in love with a thief named Flynn Rider.

Technical Specifications

Tangled was released in 2010 and was produced using a combination of traditional animation techniques and computer-generated imagery (CGI). Here are some key technical specifications:

  • Production Company: Walt Disney Animation Studios
  • Release Date: November 24, 2010
  • Runtime: 100 minutes
  • Format: Digital Cinema Package (DCP)
  • Aspect Ratio: 1.85:1


The movie begins with Rapunzel, a young princess with long golden hair, being locked in a tower by Mother Gothel. Mother Gothel claims to be Rapunzel’s mother and uses magic to keep Rapunzel from leaving the tower. However, when Flynn Rider, a charming thief, stumbles upon the tower while fleeing the law, Rapunzel decides to take advantage of his presence and escape.


The characters in Tangled are well-developed and memorable, with each one bringing their own unique personality and backstory to the story. Some of the key characters include:

  • Rapunzel: The protagonist of the movie, a young princess with long golden hair who is locked in a tower by Mother Gothel.
  • Flynn Rider: A charming thief who helps Rapunzel escape from the tower and becomes her love interest.
  • Mother Gothel: The antagonist of the movie, a woman who claims to be Rapunzel’s mother and uses magic to keep Rapunzel in the tower.


Tangled explores several themes that are relevant to audiences today, including:

  • Self-discovery: The movie follows Rapunzel as she discovers her true identity and learns to love herself.
  • Love: The film features a romantic subplot between Rapunzel and Flynn Rider, which adds depth and emotion to the story.
  • Freedom: Tangled celebrates the idea of freedom and independence, as Rapunzel escapes from the tower and begins to explore the world outside.


Tangled was a critical and commercial success upon its release, grossing over $591 million worldwide. The movie also received several awards and nominations, including an Academy Award nomination for Best Animated Feature.

Comparison to Competitors

Tangled competes with other animated films on the market, including Frozen (2013) and Moana (2016). While each of these movies has its own unique features and benefits, Tangled stands out for its memorable characters, engaging storyline, and catchy music.


Tangled is a classic Disney movie that has captured the hearts of audiences around the world. With its memorable characters, engaging storyline, and catchy music, it’s no wonder why this film continues to be beloved by many.

Technical Details

  • Production Company: Walt Disney Animation Studios
  • Release Date: November 24, 2010
  • Runtime: 100 minutes
  • Format: Digital Cinema Package (DCP)
  • Aspect Ratio: 1.85:1

Awards and Recognition

Tangled received several awards and nominations upon its release, including:

  • Academy Award nomination for Best Animated Feature
  • Golden Globe nomination for Best Animated Feature Film
  • BAFTA nomination for Best Animated Film


  • Production Company: Walt Disney Animation Studios
  • Release Date: November 24, 2010
  • Runtime: 100 minutes
  • Format: Digital Cinema Package (DCP)
  • Aspect Ratio: 1.85:1

Precautions and Safety Information

Please note that the technical specifications listed above are for the movie itself and not for any physical products or merchandise related to Tangled.

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